Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Top Ten Reasons Why Gays Should Be in Charge of the Military

A response to the comments of Marine Gen. Peter Pace: Top Ten Reasons Why Gays Should Be in Charge of the Military

10: Color coordinated uniforms

9: Quiche based MREs

8: Stock prices for retailers such as Banana Republic and Abercrombie & Fitch would get a boost from government contracts

7: Marching would be more fun to a Techno beat

6: Oil independance would finally become a reality when those gas guzzling Hummers are traded in for shiny new hybrids

5: General Jack McFarland and Major Mango

4: The Village People would finally get respect when contracted to write songs for the other branches of the armed forces

3: Who needs napalm when you are already flaming?

2: Not only would they shame those dirty Talibans by making them shave their beards but also dress nicer and get highlights

And the number 1 reason why gays should be in charge of the military:

Wars would no longer be decided by bomb or bullet, but by who has the meanest bitch slap!


At 3/14/2007 06:17:00 PM, Blogger capt said...


Tee Hee!

Those are ten good reasons no doubt!


At 3/26/2007 11:22:00 AM, Blogger capt said...

Don't ask

Mark Fiore - Animation!

Tee Hee - titter titter!


Eye's! don't be a stranger!


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